Applying for Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare

This information is for people in families with children and people who are adults under age 65, who do not have children living with them and do not have a disability.

FAQs about the application process

Some people should not apply through MNsure. These are typically seniors and people with disabilities.

Youth formerly in foster care
Youth who left foster care at 18 years of age or older and were enrolled in MA, or another states Medicaid program, when they left foster care may be eligible for MA until age 26. For these youth, there is no MA income or asset limit. Some youth who were formerly in foster care need to submit a health care application and some do not. For details, see Medical Assistance for Youth Formerly in Foster Care.

You also will get a letter telling you if you and your family members qualify. The letter also tells you how you can ask for a review of a decision if you do not agree with it.

If you apply with a paper application, we will send you a letter telling you if you or any household members:

The letter also tells you how to ask for a review of a decision, if you disagree.