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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 9 years ago .I am designing an application in C# and I want to use some Crystal Reports in my application. I am selling this application as freelance to a small business. This is my first program that I have ever sold. I have Crystal Reports 2008 that I am using to design reports with. Do I need to get any kind of licensing from Business Objects to include the Crystal Reports Runtime for report printing in my application? Or do I not need to worry about it as long as I have a licensed version of Crystal Reports 2008 on my development machine. The client would only need be able to print the reports that I have designed on my machine, not design their own. The reports would be saved as a file. The application will load the saved report and print it with provided data. I did see this article which answers the most part of my question. However, it does not include whether it covers loading saved report documents? Any additional related information for a commercial product newbie is gladly appreciated.