Derived from the December 2023 version of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. Last updated 2024-02-18.
Mnemonic | Summary |
AAA | ASCII Adjust After Addition |
AAD | ASCII Adjust AX Before Division |
AAM | ASCII Adjust AX After Multiply |
AAS | ASCII Adjust AL After Subtraction |
ADC | Add With Carry |
ADCX | Unsigned Integer Addition of Two Operands With Carry Flag |
ADD | Add |
ADDPD | Add Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ADDPS | Add Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
ADDSD | Add Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ADDSS | Add Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
ADDSUBPD | Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Add/Subtract |
ADDSUBPS | Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Add/Subtract |
ADOX | Unsigned Integer Addition of Two Operands With Overflow Flag |
AESDEC | Perform One Round of an AES Decryption Flow |
AESDEC128KL | Perform Ten Rounds of AES Decryption Flow With Key Locker Using 128-BitKey |
AESDEC256KL | Perform 14 Rounds of AES Decryption Flow With Key Locker Using 256-Bit Key |
AESDECLAST | Perform Last Round of an AES Decryption Flow |
AESDECWIDE128KL | Perform Ten Rounds of AES Decryption Flow With Key Locker on 8 BlocksUsing 128-Bit Key |
AESDECWIDE256KL | Perform 14 Rounds of AES Decryption Flow With Key Locker on 8 BlocksUsing 256-Bit Key |
AESENC | Perform One Round of an AES Encryption Flow |
AESENC128KL | Perform Ten Rounds of AES Encryption Flow With Key Locker Using 128-Bit Key |
AESENC256KL | Perform 14 Rounds of AES Encryption Flow With Key Locker Using 256-Bit Key |
AESENCLAST | Perform Last Round of an AES Encryption Flow |
AESENCWIDE128KL | Perform Ten Rounds of AES Encryption Flow With Key Locker on 8 BlocksUsing 128-Bit Key |
AESENCWIDE256KL | Perform 14 Rounds of AES Encryption Flow With Key Locker on 8 BlocksUsing 256-Bit Key |
AESIMC | Perform the AES InvMixColumn Transformation |
AESKEYGENASSIST | AES Round Key Generation Assist |
AND | Logical AND |
ANDN | Logical AND NOT |
ANDNPD | Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ANDNPS | Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
ANDPD | Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ANDPS | Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
ARPL | Adjust RPL Field of Segment Selector |
BEXTR | Bit Field Extract |
BLENDPD | Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
BLENDPS | Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
BLENDVPD | Variable Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
BLENDVPS | Variable Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
BLSI | Extract Lowest Set Isolated Bit |
BLSMSK | Get Mask Up to Lowest Set Bit |
BLSR | Reset Lowest Set Bit |
BNDCL | Check Lower Bound |
BNDCN | Check Upper Bound |
BNDCU | Check Upper Bound |
BNDLDX | Load Extended Bounds Using Address Translation |
BNDMK | Make Bounds |
BNDMOV | Move Bounds |
BNDSTX | Store Extended Bounds Using Address Translation |
BOUND | Check Array Index Against Bounds |
BSF | Bit Scan Forward |
BSR | Bit Scan Reverse |
BSWAP | Byte Swap |
BT | Bit Test |
BTC | Bit Test and Complement |
BTR | Bit Test and Reset |
BTS | Bit Test and Set |
BZHI | Zero High Bits Starting with Specified Bit Position |
CALL | Call Procedure |
CBW | Convert Byte to Word/Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword toQuadword |
CDQ | Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword to Quadword |
CDQE | Convert Byte to Word/Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword toQuadword |
CLAC | Clear AC Flag in EFLAGS Register |
CLC | Clear Carry Flag |
CLD | Clear Direction Flag |
CLDEMOTE | Cache Line Demote |
CLFLUSH | Flush Cache Line |
CLFLUSHOPT | Flush Cache Line Optimized |
CLI | Clear Interrupt Flag |
CLRSSBSY | Clear Busy Flag in a Supervisor Shadow Stack Token |
CLTS | Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0 |
CLUI | Clear User Interrupt Flag |
CLWB | Cache Line Write Back |
CMC | Complement Carry Flag |
CMOVcc | Conditional Move |
CMP | Compare Two Operands |
CMPPD | Compare Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
CMPPS | Compare Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
CMPS | Compare String Operands |
CMPSB | Compare String Operands |
CMPSD | Compare String Operands |
CMPSD (1) | Compare Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
CMPSQ | Compare String Operands |
CMPSS | Compare Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
CMPSW | Compare String Operands |
CMPXCHG | Compare and Exchange |
CMPXCHG16B | Compare and Exchange Bytes |
CMPXCHG8B | Compare and Exchange Bytes |
COMISD | Compare Scalar Ordered Double Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
COMISS | Compare Scalar Ordered Single Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
CPUID | CPU Identification |
CQO | Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword to Quadword |
CRC32 | Accumulate CRC32 Value |
CVTDQ2PD | Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double Precision Floating-PointValues |
CVTDQ2PS | Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single Precision Floating-PointValues |
CVTPD2DQ | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed DoublewordIntegers |
CVTPD2PI | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Dword Integers |
CVTPD2PS | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
CVTPI2PD | Convert Packed Dword Integers to Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
CVTPI2PS | Convert Packed Dword Integers to Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
CVTPS2DQ | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed SignedDoubleword Integer Values |
CVTPS2PD | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Double PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
CVTPS2PI | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Dword Integers |
CVTSD2SI | Convert Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer |
CVTSD2SS | Convert Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Single PrecisionFloating-Point Value |
CVTSI2SD | Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
CVTSI2SS | Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
CVTSS2SD | Convert Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Double PrecisionFloating-Point Value |
CVTSS2SI | Convert Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer |
CVTTPD2DQ | Convert with Truncation Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Doubleword Integers |
CVTTPD2PI | Convert With Truncation Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to PackedDword Integers |
CVTTPS2DQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to PackedSigned Doubleword Integer Values |
CVTTPS2PI | Convert With Truncation Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to PackedDword Integers |
CVTTSD2SI | Convert With Truncation Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value to SignedInteger |
CVTTSS2SI | Convert With Truncation Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value to Integer |
CWD | Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword to Quadword |
CWDE | Convert Byte to Word/Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword toQuadword |
DAA | Decimal Adjust AL After Addition |
DAS | Decimal Adjust AL After Subtraction |
DEC | Decrement by 1 |
DIV | Unsigned Divide |
DIVPD | Divide Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
DIVPS | Divide Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
DIVSD | Divide Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
DIVSS | Divide Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
DPPD | Dot Product of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
DPPS | Dot Product of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
EMMS | Empty MMX Technology State |
ENCODEKEY128 | Encode 128-Bit Key With Key Locker |
ENCODEKEY256 | Encode 256-Bit Key With Key Locker |
ENDBR32 | Terminate an Indirect Branch in 32-bit and Compatibility Mode |
ENDBR64 | Terminate an Indirect Branch in 64-bit Mode |
ENQCMD | Enqueue Command |
ENQCMDS | Enqueue Command Supervisor |
ENTER | Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters |
EXTRACTPS | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
F2XM1 | Compute 2x–1 |
FABS | Absolute Value |
FADD | Add |
FADDP | Add |
FBLD | Load Binary Coded Decimal |
FBSTP | Store BCD Integer and Pop |
FCHS | Change Sign |
FCLEX | Clear Exceptions |
FCMOVcc | Floating-Point Conditional Move |
FCOM | Compare Floating-Point Values |
FCOMI | Compare Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
FCOMIP | Compare Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
FCOMP | Compare Floating-Point Values |
FCOMPP | Compare Floating-Point Values |
FCOS | Cosine |
FDECSTP | Decrement Stack-Top Pointer |
FDIV | Divide |
FDIVP | Divide |
FDIVR | Reverse Divide |
FDIVRP | Reverse Divide |
FFREE | Free Floating-Point Register |
FIADD | Add |
FICOM | Compare Integer |
FICOMP | Compare Integer |
FIDIV | Divide |
FIDIVR | Reverse Divide |
FILD | Load Integer |
FIMUL | Multiply |
FINCSTP | Increment Stack-Top Pointer |
FINIT | Initialize Floating-Point Unit |
FIST | Store Integer |
FISTP | Store Integer |
FISTTP | Store Integer With Truncation |
FISUB | Subtract |
FISUBR | Reverse Subtract |
FLD | Load Floating-Point Value |
FLD1 | Load Constant |
FLDCW | Load x87 FPU Control Word |
FLDENV | Load x87 FPU Environment |
FLDL2E | Load Constant |
FLDL2T | Load Constant |
FLDLG2 | Load Constant |
FLDLN2 | Load Constant |
FLDPI | Load Constant |
FLDZ | Load Constant |
FMUL | Multiply |
FMULP | Multiply |
FNCLEX | Clear Exceptions |
FNINIT | Initialize Floating-Point Unit |
FNOP | No Operation |
FNSAVE | Store x87 FPU State |
FNSTCW | Store x87 FPU Control Word |
FNSTENV | Store x87 FPU Environment |
FNSTSW | Store x87 FPU Status Word |
FPATAN | Partial Arctangent |
FPREM | Partial Remainder |
FPREM1 | Partial Remainder |
FPTAN | Partial Tangent |
FRNDINT | Round to Integer |
FRSTOR | Restore x87 FPU State |
FSAVE | Store x87 FPU State |
FSCALE | Scale |
FSIN | Sine |
FSINCOS | Sine and Cosine |
FSQRT | Square Root |
FST | Store Floating-Point Value |
FSTCW | Store x87 FPU Control Word |
FSTENV | Store x87 FPU Environment |
FSTP | Store Floating-Point Value |
FSTSW | Store x87 FPU Status Word |
FSUB | Subtract |
FSUBP | Subtract |
FSUBR | Reverse Subtract |
FSUBRP | Reverse Subtract |
FUCOM | Unordered Compare Floating-Point Values |
FUCOMI | Compare Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
FUCOMIP | Compare Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
FUCOMP | Unordered Compare Floating-Point Values |
FUCOMPP | Unordered Compare Floating-Point Values |
FWAIT | Wait |
FXAM | Examine Floating-Point |
FXCH | Exchange Register Contents |
FXRSTOR | Restore x87 FPU, MMX, XMM, and MXCSR State |
FXSAVE | Save x87 FPU, MMX Technology, and SSE State |
FXTRACT | Extract Exponent and Significand |
FYL2X | Compute y ∗ log2x |
FYL2XP1 | Compute y ∗ log2(x +1) |
GF2P8AFFINEINVQB | Galois Field Affine Transformation Inverse |
GF2P8AFFINEQB | Galois Field Affine Transformation |
GF2P8MULB | Galois Field Multiply Bytes |
HADDPD | Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Horizontal Add |
HADDPS | Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Horizontal Add |
HLT | Halt |
HRESET | History Reset |
HSUBPD | Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Horizontal Subtract |
HSUBPS | Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Horizontal Subtract |
IDIV | Signed Divide |
IMUL | Signed Multiply |
IN | Input From Port |
INC | Increment by 1 |
INCSSPD | Increment Shadow Stack Pointer |
INCSSPQ | Increment Shadow Stack Pointer |
INS | Input from Port to String |
INSB | Input from Port to String |
INSD | Input from Port to String |
INSERTPS | Insert Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
INSW | Input from Port to String |
INT n | Call to Interrupt Procedure |
INT1 | Call to Interrupt Procedure |
INT3 | Call to Interrupt Procedure |
INTO | Call to Interrupt Procedure |
INVD | Invalidate Internal Caches |
INVLPG | Invalidate TLB Entries |
INVPCID | Invalidate Process-Context Identifier |
IRET | Interrupt Return |
IRETD | Interrupt Return |
IRETQ | Interrupt Return |
JMP | Jump |
Jcc | Jump if Condition Is Met |
KADDB | ADD Two Masks |
KADDD | ADD Two Masks |
KADDQ | ADD Two Masks |
KADDW | ADD Two Masks |
KANDB | Bitwise Logical AND Masks |
KANDD | Bitwise Logical AND Masks |
KANDNB | Bitwise Logical AND NOT Masks |
KANDND | Bitwise Logical AND NOT Masks |
KANDNQ | Bitwise Logical AND NOT Masks |
KANDNW | Bitwise Logical AND NOT Masks |
KANDQ | Bitwise Logical AND Masks |
KANDW | Bitwise Logical AND Masks |
KMOVB | Move From and to Mask Registers |
KMOVD | Move From and to Mask Registers |
KMOVQ | Move From and to Mask Registers |
KMOVW | Move From and to Mask Registers |
KNOTB | NOT Mask Register |
KNOTD | NOT Mask Register |
KNOTQ | NOT Mask Register |
KNOTW | NOT Mask Register |
KORB | Bitwise Logical OR Masks |
KORD | Bitwise Logical OR Masks |
KORQ | Bitwise Logical OR Masks |
KORTESTB | OR Masks and Set Flags |
KORTESTD | OR Masks and Set Flags |
KORTESTQ | OR Masks and Set Flags |
KORTESTW | OR Masks and Set Flags |
KORW | Bitwise Logical OR Masks |
KSHIFTLB | Shift Left Mask Registers |
KSHIFTLD | Shift Left Mask Registers |
KSHIFTLQ | Shift Left Mask Registers |
KSHIFTLW | Shift Left Mask Registers |
KSHIFTRB | Shift Right Mask Registers |
KSHIFTRD | Shift Right Mask Registers |
KSHIFTRQ | Shift Right Mask Registers |
KSHIFTRW | Shift Right Mask Registers |
KTESTB | Packed Bit Test Masks and Set Flags |
KTESTD | Packed Bit Test Masks and Set Flags |
KTESTQ | Packed Bit Test Masks and Set Flags |
KTESTW | Packed Bit Test Masks and Set Flags |
KUNPCKBW | Unpack for Mask Registers |
KUNPCKDQ | Unpack for Mask Registers |
KUNPCKWD | Unpack for Mask Registers |
KXNORB | Bitwise Logical XNOR Masks |
KXNORD | Bitwise Logical XNOR Masks |
KXNORQ | Bitwise Logical XNOR Masks |
KXNORW | Bitwise Logical XNOR Masks |
KXORB | Bitwise Logical XOR Masks |
KXORD | Bitwise Logical XOR Masks |
KXORQ | Bitwise Logical XOR Masks |
KXORW | Bitwise Logical XOR Masks |
LAHF | Load Status Flags Into AH Register |
LAR | Load Access Rights Byte |
LDDQU | Load Unaligned Integer 128 Bits |
LDMXCSR | Load MXCSR Register |
LDS | Load Far Pointer |
LDTILECFG | Load Tile Configuration |
LEA | Load Effective Address |
LEAVE | High Level Procedure Exit |
LES | Load Far Pointer |
LFENCE | Load Fence |
LFS | Load Far Pointer |
LGDT | Load Global/Interrupt Descriptor Table Register |
LGS | Load Far Pointer |
LIDT | Load Global/Interrupt Descriptor Table Register |
LLDT | Load Local Descriptor Table Register |
LMSW | Load Machine Status Word |
LOADIWKEY | Load Internal Wrapping Key With Key Locker |
LOCK | Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix |
LODS | Load String |
LODSB | Load String |
LODSD | Load String |
LODSQ | Load String |
LODSW | Load String |
LOOP | Loop According to ECX Counter |
LOOPcc | Loop According to ECX Counter |
LSL | Load Segment Limit |
LSS | Load Far Pointer |
LTR | Load Task Register |
LZCNT | Count the Number of Leading Zero Bits |
MASKMOVDQU | Store Selected Bytes of Double Quadword |
MASKMOVQ | Store Selected Bytes of Quadword |
MAXPD | Maximum of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MAXPS | Maximum of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MAXSD | Return Maximum Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MAXSS | Return Maximum Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
MFENCE | Memory Fence |
MINPD | Minimum of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MINPS | Minimum of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MINSD | Return Minimum Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MINSS | Return Minimum Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
MONITOR | Set Up Monitor Address |
MOV | Move |
MOV (1) | Move to/from Control Registers |
MOV (2) | Move to/from Debug Registers |
MOVAPD | Move Aligned Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVAPS | Move Aligned Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVBE | Move Data After Swapping Bytes |
MOVD | Move Doubleword/Move Quadword |
MOVDDUP | Replicate Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVDIR64B | Move 64 Bytes as Direct Store |
MOVDIRI | Move Doubleword as Direct Store |
MOVDQ2Q | Move Quadword from XMM to MMX Technology Register |
MOVDQA | Move Aligned Packed Integer Values |
MOVDQU | Move Unaligned Packed Integer Values |
MOVHLPS | Move Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values High to Low |
MOVHPD | Move High Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MOVHPS | Move High Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVLHPS | Move Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values Low to High |
MOVLPD | Move Low Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MOVLPS | Move Low Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVMSKPD | Extract Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask |
MOVMSKPS | Extract Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask |
MOVNTDQ | Store Packed Integers Using Non-Temporal Hint |
MOVNTDQA | Load Double Quadword Non-Temporal Aligned Hint |
MOVNTI | Store Doubleword Using Non-Temporal Hint |
MOVNTPD | Store Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint |
MOVNTPS | Store Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint |
MOVNTQ | Store of Quadword Using Non-Temporal Hint |
MOVQ | Move Doubleword/Move Quadword |
MOVQ (1) | Move Quadword |
MOVQ2DQ | Move Quadword from MMX Technology to XMM Register |
MOVS | Move Data From String to String |
MOVSB | Move Data From String to String |
MOVSD | Move Data From String to String |
MOVSD (1) | Move or Merge Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MOVSHDUP | Replicate Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVSLDUP | Replicate Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVSQ | Move Data From String to String |
MOVSS | Move or Merge Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
MOVSW | Move Data From String to String |
MOVSX | Move With Sign-Extension |
MOVSXD | Move With Sign-Extension |
MOVUPD | Move Unaligned Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVUPS | Move Unaligned Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MOVZX | Move With Zero-Extend |
MPSADBW | Compute Multiple Packed Sums of Absolute Difference |
MUL | Unsigned Multiply |
MULPD | Multiply Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
MULPS | Multiply Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MULSD | Multiply Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
MULSS | Multiply Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
MULX | Unsigned Multiply Without Affecting Flags |
MWAIT | Monitor Wait |
NEG | Two's Complement Negation |
NOP | No Operation |
NOT | One's Complement Negation |
OR | Logical Inclusive OR |
ORPD | Bitwise Logical OR of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ORPS | Bitwise Logical OR of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
OUT | Output to Port |
OUTS | Output String to Port |
OUTSB | Output String to Port |
OUTSD | Output String to Port |
OUTSW | Output String to Port |
PABSB | Packed Absolute Value |
PABSD | Packed Absolute Value |
PABSQ | Packed Absolute Value |
PABSW | Packed Absolute Value |
PACKSSDW | Pack With Signed Saturation |
PACKSSWB | Pack With Signed Saturation |
PACKUSDW | Pack With Unsigned Saturation |
PACKUSWB | Pack With Unsigned Saturation |
PADDB | Add Packed Integers |
PADDD | Add Packed Integers |
PADDQ | Add Packed Integers |
PADDSB | Add Packed Signed Integers with Signed Saturation |
PADDSW | Add Packed Signed Integers with Signed Saturation |
PADDUSB | Add Packed Unsigned Integers With Unsigned Saturation |
PADDUSW | Add Packed Unsigned Integers With Unsigned Saturation |
PADDW | Add Packed Integers |
PALIGNR | Packed Align Right |
PAND | Logical AND |
PANDN | Logical AND NOT |
PAUSE | Spin Loop Hint |
PAVGB | Average Packed Integers |
PAVGW | Average Packed Integers |
PBLENDVB | Variable Blend Packed Bytes |
PBLENDW | Blend Packed Words |
PCLMULQDQ | Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword |
PCMPEQB | Compare Packed Data for Equal |
PCMPEQD | Compare Packed Data for Equal |
PCMPEQQ | Compare Packed Qword Data for Equal |
PCMPEQW | Compare Packed Data for Equal |
PCMPESTRI | Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Index |
PCMPESTRM | Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Mask |
PCMPGTB | Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than |
PCMPGTD | Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than |
PCMPGTQ | Compare Packed Data for Greater Than |
PCMPGTW | Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than |
PCMPISTRI | Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Index |
PCMPISTRM | Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Mask |
PCONFIG | Platform Configuration |
PDEP | Parallel Bits Deposit |
PEXT | Parallel Bits Extract |
PEXTRB | Extract Byte/Dword/Qword |
PEXTRD | Extract Byte/Dword/Qword |
PEXTRQ | Extract Byte/Dword/Qword |
PEXTRW | Extract Word |
PHADDD | Packed Horizontal Add |
PHADDSW | Packed Horizontal Add and Saturate |
PHADDW | Packed Horizontal Add |
PHMINPOSUW | Packed Horizontal Word Minimum |
PHSUBD | Packed Horizontal Subtract |
PHSUBSW | Packed Horizontal Subtract and Saturate |
PHSUBW | Packed Horizontal Subtract |
PINSRB | Insert Byte/Dword/Qword |
PINSRD | Insert Byte/Dword/Qword |
PINSRQ | Insert Byte/Dword/Qword |
PINSRW | Insert Word |
PMADDUBSW | Multiply and Add Packed Signed and Unsigned Bytes |
PMADDWD | Multiply and Add Packed Integers |
PMAXSB | Maximum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMAXSD | Maximum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMAXSQ | Maximum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMAXSW | Maximum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMAXUB | Maximum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMAXUD | Maximum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMAXUQ | Maximum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMAXUW | Maximum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMINSB | Minimum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMINSD | Minimum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMINSQ | Minimum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMINSW | Minimum of Packed Signed Integers |
PMINUB | Minimum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMINUD | Minimum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMINUQ | Minimum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMINUW | Minimum of Packed Unsigned Integers |
PMOVMSKB | Move Byte Mask |
PMOVSX | Packed Move With Sign Extend |
PMOVZX | Packed Move With Zero Extend |
PMULDQ | Multiply Packed Doubleword Integers |
PMULHRSW | Packed Multiply High With Round and Scale |
PMULHUW | Multiply Packed Unsigned Integers and Store High Result |
PMULHW | Multiply Packed Signed Integers and Store High Result |
PMULLD | Multiply Packed Integers and Store Low Result |
PMULLQ | Multiply Packed Integers and Store Low Result |
PMULLW | Multiply Packed Signed Integers and Store Low Result |
PMULUDQ | Multiply Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers |
POP | Pop a Value From the Stack |
POPA | Pop All General-Purpose Registers |
POPAD | Pop All General-Purpose Registers |
POPCNT | Return the Count of Number of Bits Set to 1 |
POPF | Pop Stack Into EFLAGS Register |
POPFD | Pop Stack Into EFLAGS Register |
POPFQ | Pop Stack Into EFLAGS Register |
POR | Bitwise Logical OR |
PREFETCHW | Prefetch Data Into Caches in Anticipation of a Write |
PREFETCHh | Prefetch Data Into Caches |
PSADBW | Compute Sum of Absolute Differences |
PSHUFB | Packed Shuffle Bytes |
PSHUFD | Shuffle Packed Doublewords |
PSHUFHW | Shuffle Packed High Words |
PSHUFLW | Shuffle Packed Low Words |
PSHUFW | Shuffle Packed Words |
PSIGNB | Packed SIGN |
PSIGND | Packed SIGN |
PSIGNW | Packed SIGN |
PSLLD | Shift Packed Data Left Logical |
PSLLDQ | Shift Double Quadword Left Logical |
PSLLQ | Shift Packed Data Left Logical |
PSLLW | Shift Packed Data Left Logical |
PSRAD | Shift Packed Data Right Arithmetic |
PSRAQ | Shift Packed Data Right Arithmetic |
PSRAW | Shift Packed Data Right Arithmetic |
PSRLD | Shift Packed Data Right Logical |
PSRLDQ | Shift Double Quadword Right Logical |
PSRLQ | Shift Packed Data Right Logical |
PSRLW | Shift Packed Data Right Logical |
PSUBB | Subtract Packed Integers |
PSUBD | Subtract Packed Integers |
PSUBQ | Subtract Packed Quadword Integers |
PSUBSB | Subtract Packed Signed Integers With Signed Saturation |
PSUBSW | Subtract Packed Signed Integers With Signed Saturation |
PSUBUSB | Subtract Packed Unsigned Integers With Unsigned Saturation |
PSUBUSW | Subtract Packed Unsigned Integers With Unsigned Saturation |
PSUBW | Subtract Packed Integers |
PTEST | Logical Compare |
PTWRITE | Write Data to a Processor Trace Packet |
PUNPCKHBW | Unpack High Data |
PUNPCKHDQ | Unpack High Data |
PUNPCKHQDQ | Unpack High Data |
PUNPCKHWD | Unpack High Data |
PUNPCKLBW | Unpack Low Data |
PUNPCKLDQ | Unpack Low Data |
PUNPCKLQDQ | Unpack Low Data |
PUNPCKLWD | Unpack Low Data |
PUSH | Push Word, Doubleword, or Quadword Onto the Stack |
PUSHA | Push All General-Purpose Registers |
PUSHAD | Push All General-Purpose Registers |
PUSHF | Push EFLAGS Register Onto the Stack |
PUSHFD | Push EFLAGS Register Onto the Stack |
PUSHFQ | Push EFLAGS Register Onto the Stack |
PXOR | Logical Exclusive OR |
RCL | Rotate |
RCPPS | Compute Reciprocals of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
RCPSS | Compute Reciprocal of Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
RCR | Rotate |
RDFSBASE | Read FS/GS Segment Base |
RDGSBASE | Read FS/GS Segment Base |
RDMSR | Read From Model Specific Register |
RDPID | Read Processor ID |
RDPKRU | Read Protection Key Rights for User Pages |
RDPMC | Read Performance-Monitoring Counters |
RDRAND | Read Random Number |
RDSEED | Read Random SEED |
RDSSPD | Read Shadow Stack Pointer |
RDSSPQ | Read Shadow Stack Pointer |
RDTSC | Read Time-Stamp Counter |
RDTSCP | Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID |
REP | Repeat String Operation Prefix |
REPE | Repeat String Operation Prefix |
REPNE | Repeat String Operation Prefix |
REPNZ | Repeat String Operation Prefix |
REPZ | Repeat String Operation Prefix |
RET | Return From Procedure |
ROL | Rotate |
ROR | Rotate |
RORX | Rotate Right Logical Without Affecting Flags |
ROUNDPD | Round Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ROUNDPS | Round Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
ROUNDSD | Round Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
ROUNDSS | Round Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
RSM | Resume From System Management Mode |
RSQRTPS | Compute Reciprocals of Square Roots of Packed Single Precision Floating-PointValues |
RSQRTSS | Compute Reciprocal of Square Root of Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
RSTORSSP | Restore Saved Shadow Stack Pointer |
SAHF | Store AH Into Flags |
SAL | Shift |
SAR | Shift |
SARX | Shift Without Affecting Flags |
SAVEPREVSSP | Save Previous Shadow Stack Pointer |
SBB | Integer Subtraction With Borrow |
SCAS | Scan String |
SCASB | Scan String |
SCASD | Scan String |
SCASW | Scan String |
SENDUIPI | Send User Interprocessor Interrupt |
SERIALIZE | Serialize Instruction Execution |
SETSSBSY | Mark Shadow Stack Busy |
SETcc | Set Byte on Condition |
SFENCE | Store Fence |
SGDT | Store Global Descriptor Table Register |
SHA1MSG1 | Perform an Intermediate Calculation for the Next Four SHA1 Message Dwords |
SHA1MSG2 | Perform a Final Calculation for the Next Four SHA1 Message Dwords |
SHA1NEXTE | Calculate SHA1 State Variable E After Four Rounds |
SHA1RNDS4 | Perform Four Rounds of SHA1 Operation |
SHA256MSG1 | Perform an Intermediate Calculation for the Next Four SHA256 MessageDwords |
SHA256MSG2 | Perform a Final Calculation for the Next Four SHA256 Message Dwords |
SHA256RNDS2 | Perform Two Rounds of SHA256 Operation |
SHL | Shift |
SHLD | Double Precision Shift Left |
SHLX | Shift Without Affecting Flags |
SHR | Shift |
SHRD | Double Precision Shift Right |
SHRX | Shift Without Affecting Flags |
SHUFPD | Packed Interleave Shuffle of Pairs of Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
SHUFPS | Packed Interleave Shuffle of Quadruplets of Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
SIDT | Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register |
SLDT | Store Local Descriptor Table Register |
SMSW | Store Machine Status Word |
SQRTPD | Square Root of Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
SQRTPS | Square Root of Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
SQRTSD | Compute Square Root of Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
SQRTSS | Compute Square Root of Scalar Single Precision Value |
STAC | Set AC Flag in EFLAGS Register |
STC | Set Carry Flag |
STD | Set Direction Flag |
STI | Set Interrupt Flag |
STMXCSR | Store MXCSR Register State |
STOS | Store String |
STOSB | Store String |
STOSD | Store String |
STOSQ | Store String |
STOSW | Store String |
STR | Store Task Register |
STTILECFG | Store Tile Configuration |
STUI | Set User Interrupt Flag |
SUB | Subtract |
SUBPD | Subtract Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
SUBPS | Subtract Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
SUBSD | Subtract Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
SUBSS | Subtract Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
SWAPGS | Swap GS Base Register |
SYSCALL | Fast System Call |
SYSENTER | Fast System Call |
SYSEXIT | Fast Return from Fast System Call |
SYSRET | Return From Fast System Call |
TDPBF16PS | Dot Product of BF16 Tiles Accumulated into Packed Single Precision Tile |
TDPBSSD | Dot Product of Signed/Unsigned Bytes with DwordAccumulation |
TDPBSUD | Dot Product of Signed/Unsigned Bytes with DwordAccumulation |
TDPBUSD | Dot Product of Signed/Unsigned Bytes with DwordAccumulation |
TDPBUUD | Dot Product of Signed/Unsigned Bytes with DwordAccumulation |
TEST | Logical Compare |
TESTUI | Determine User Interrupt Flag |
TILELOADD | Load Tile |
TILELOADDT1 | Load Tile |
TILERELEASE | Release Tile |
TILESTORED | Store Tile |
TILEZERO | Zero Tile |
TZCNT | Count the Number of Trailing Zero Bits |
UCOMISD | Unordered Compare Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
UCOMISS | Unordered Compare Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS |
UD | Undefined Instruction |
UIRET | User-Interrupt Return |
UMONITOR | User Level Set Up Monitor Address |
UMWAIT | User Level Monitor Wait |
UNPCKHPD | Unpack and Interleave High Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
UNPCKHPS | Unpack and Interleave High Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
UNPCKLPD | Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
UNPCKLPS | Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VADDPH | Add Packed FP16 Values |
VADDSH | Add Scalar FP16 Values |
VALIGND | Align Doubleword/Quadword Vectors |
VALIGNQ | Align Doubleword/Quadword Vectors |
VBLENDMPD | Blend Float64/Float32 Vectors Using an OpMask Control |
VBLENDMPS | Blend Float64/Float32 Vectors Using an OpMask Control |
VBROADCAST | Load with Broadcast Floating-Point Data |
VCMPPH | Compare Packed FP16 Values |
VCMPSH | Compare Scalar FP16 Values |
VCOMISH | Compare Scalar Ordered FP16 Values and Set EFLAGS |
VCOMPRESSPD | Store Sparse Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values Into DenseMemory |
VCOMPRESSPS | Store Sparse Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values Into Dense Memory |
VCOMPRESSW | Store Sparse Packed Byte/Word Integer Values Into DenseMemory/Register |
VCVTDQ2PH | Convert Packed Signed Doubleword Integers to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTNE2PS2BF16 | Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data |
VCVTNEPS2BF16 | Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data |
VCVTPD2PH | Convert Packed Double Precision FP Values to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTPD2QQ | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed QuadwordIntegers |
VCVTPD2UDQ | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed UnsignedDoubleword Integers |
VCVTPD2UQQ | Convert Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed UnsignedQuadword Integers |
VCVTPH2DQ | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Signed Doubleword Integers |
VCVTPH2PD | Convert Packed FP16 Values to FP64 Values |
VCVTPH2PS | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Single Precision Floating-PointValues |
VCVTPH2PSX | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Single Precision Floating-PointValues |
VCVTPH2QQ | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Signed Quadword Integer Values |
VCVTPH2UDQ | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned Doubleword Integers |
VCVTPH2UQQ | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned Quadword Integers |
VCVTPH2UW | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned Word Integers |
VCVTPH2W | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Signed Word Integers |
VCVTPS2PH | Convert Single-Precision FP Value to 16-bit FP Value |
VCVTPS2PHX | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTPS2QQ | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed SignedQuadword Integer Values |
VCVTPS2UDQ | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed UnsignedDoubleword Integer Values |
VCVTPS2UQQ | Convert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed UnsignedQuadword Integer Values |
VCVTQQ2PD | Convert Packed Quadword Integers to Packed Double Precision Floating-PointValues |
VCVTQQ2PH | Convert Packed Signed Quadword Integers to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTQQ2PS | Convert Packed Quadword Integers to Packed Single Precision Floating-PointValues |
VCVTSD2SH | Convert Low FP64 Value to an FP16 Value |
VCVTSD2USI | Convert Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value to Unsigned DoublewordInteger |
VCVTSH2SD | Convert Low FP16 Value to an FP64 Value |
VCVTSH2SI | Convert Low FP16 Value to Signed Integer |
VCVTSH2SS | Convert Low FP16 Value to FP32 Value |
VCVTSH2USI | Convert Low FP16 Value to Unsigned Integer |
VCVTSI2SH | Convert a Signed Doubleword/Quadword Integer to an FP16 Value |
VCVTSS2SH | Convert Low FP32 Value to an FP16 Value |
VCVTSS2USI | Convert Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value to Unsigned DoublewordInteger |
VCVTTPD2QQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Quadword Integers |
VCVTTPD2UDQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Unsigned Doubleword Integers |
VCVTTPD2UQQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Unsigned Quadword Integers |
VCVTTPH2DQ | Convert with Truncation Packed FP16 Values to Signed Doubleword Integers |
VCVTTPH2QQ | Convert with Truncation Packed FP16 Values to Signed Quadword Integers |
VCVTTPH2UDQ | Convert with Truncation Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned DoublewordIntegers |
VCVTTPH2UQQ | Convert with Truncation Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned Quadword Integers |
VCVTTPH2UW | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Unsigned Word Integers |
VCVTTPH2W | Convert Packed FP16 Values to Signed Word Integers |
VCVTTPS2QQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Signed Quadword Integer Values |
VCVTTPS2UDQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Unsigned Doubleword Integer Values |
VCVTTPS2UQQ | Convert With Truncation Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values toPacked Unsigned Quadword Integer Values |
VCVTTSD2USI | Convert With Truncation Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value toUnsigned Integer |
VCVTTSH2SI | Convert with Truncation Low FP16 Value to a Signed Integer |
VCVTTSH2USI | Convert with Truncation Low FP16 Value to an Unsigned Integer |
VCVTTSS2USI | Convert With Truncation Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value toUnsigned Integer |
VCVTUDQ2PD | Convert Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers to Packed Double PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VCVTUDQ2PH | Convert Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTUDQ2PS | Convert Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers to Packed Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VCVTUQQ2PD | Convert Packed Unsigned Quadword Integers to Packed Double PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VCVTUQQ2PH | Convert Packed Unsigned Quadword Integers to Packed FP16 Values |
VCVTUQQ2PS | Convert Packed Unsigned Quadword Integers to Packed Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VCVTUSI2SD | Convert Unsigned Integer to Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value |
VCVTUSI2SH | Convert Unsigned Doubleword Integer to an FP16 Value |
VCVTUSI2SS | Convert Unsigned Integer to Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value |
VCVTUW2PH | Convert Packed Unsigned Word Integers to FP16 Values |
VCVTW2PH | Convert Packed Signed Word Integers to FP16 Values |
VDBPSADBW | Double Block Packed Sum-Absolute-Differences (SAD) on Unsigned Bytes |
VDIVPH | Divide Packed FP16 Values |
VDIVSH | Divide Scalar FP16 Values |
VDPBF16PS | Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated Into Packed Single Precision |
VERR | Verify a Segment for Reading or Writing |
VERW | Verify a Segment for Reading or Writing |
VEXPANDPD | Load Sparse Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values From Dense Memory |
VEXPANDPS | Load Sparse Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values From Dense Memory |
VEXTRACTF128 | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
VEXTRACTF32x4 | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
VEXTRACTF32x8 | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
VEXTRACTF64x2 | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
VEXTRACTF64x4 | Extract Packed Floating-Point Values |
VEXTRACTI128 | ExtractPacked Integer Values |
VEXTRACTI32x4 | ExtractPacked Integer Values |
VEXTRACTI32x8 | ExtractPacked Integer Values |
VEXTRACTI64x2 | ExtractPacked Integer Values |
VEXTRACTI64x4 | ExtractPacked Integer Values |
VFCMADDCPH | Complex Multiply and Accumulate FP16 Values |
VFCMADDCSH | Complex Multiply and Accumulate Scalar FP16 Values |
VFCMULCPH | Complex Multiply FP16 Values |
VFCMULCSH | Complex Multiply Scalar FP16 Values |
VFIXUPIMMPD | Fix Up Special Packed Float64 Values |
VFIXUPIMMPS | Fix Up Special Packed Float32 Values |
VFIXUPIMMSD | Fix Up Special Scalar Float64 Value |
VFIXUPIMMSS | Fix Up Special Scalar Float32 Value |
VFMADD132PD | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD132PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADD132PS | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD132SD | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD132SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMADD132SS | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VFMADD213PD | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD213PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADD213PS | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD213SD | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD213SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMADD213SS | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VFMADD231PD | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD231PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADD231PS | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD231SD | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADD231SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMADD231SS | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single PrecisionFloating-Point Values |
VFMADDCPH | Complex Multiply and Accumulate FP16 Values |
VFMADDCSH | Complex Multiply and Accumulate Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMADDRND231PD | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Valueswith rounding control |
VFMADDSUB132PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADDSUB132PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADDSUB132PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADDSUB213PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADDSUB213PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADDSUB213PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADDSUB231PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMADDSUB231PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMADDSUB231PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingAdd/Subtract of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB132PD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB132PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUB132PS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB132SD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB132SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMSUB132SS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB213PD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB213PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUB213PS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB213SD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB213SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMSUB213SS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB231PD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB231PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUB231PS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB231SD | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUB231SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFMSUB231SS | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD132PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD132PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUBADD132PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD213PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD213PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUBADD213PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD231PD | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMSUBADD231PH | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFMSUBADD231PS | Fused Multiply-AlternatingSubtract/Add of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFMULCPH | Complex Multiply FP16 Values |
VFMULCSH | Complex Multiply Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMADD132PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD132PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMADD132PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD132SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD132SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMADD132SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD213PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD213PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMADD213PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD213SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD213SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMADD213SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD231PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD231PH | Fused Multiply-Add of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMADD231PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of PackedSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD231SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarDouble Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMADD231SH | Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMADD231SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Add of ScalarSingle Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB132PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB132PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB132PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB132SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB132SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB132SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB213PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB213PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB213PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB213SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB213SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB213SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB231PD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB231PH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB231PS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofPacked Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB231SD | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFNMSUB231SH | Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFNMSUB231SS | Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract ofScalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VFPCLASSPD | Tests Types of Packed Float64 Values |
VFPCLASSPH | Test Types of Packed FP16 Values |
VFPCLASSPS | Tests Types of Packed Float32 Values |
VFPCLASSSD | Tests Type of a Scalar Float64 Value |
VFPCLASSSH | Test Types of Scalar FP16 Values |
VFPCLASSSS | Tests Type of a Scalar Float32 Value |
VGATHERDPD | Gather Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values UsingSigned Dword/Qword Indices |
VGATHERDPD (1) | Gather Packed Single, Packed Double with Signed Dword Indices |
VGATHERDPS | Gather Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values UsingSigned Dword/Qword Indices |
VGATHERDPS (1) | Gather Packed Single, Packed Double with Signed Dword Indices |
VGATHERQPD | Gather Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values UsingSigned Dword/Qword Indices |
VGATHERQPD (1) | Gather Packed Single, Packed Double with Signed Qword Indices |
VGATHERQPS | Gather Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values UsingSigned Dword/Qword Indices |
VGATHERQPS (1) | Gather Packed Single, Packed Double with Signed Qword Indices |
VGETEXPPD | Convert Exponents of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values to DoublePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VGETEXPPH | Convert Exponents of Packed FP16 Values to FP16 Values |
VGETEXPPS | Convert Exponents of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values to SinglePrecision Floating-Point Values |
VGETEXPSD | Convert Exponents of Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Value to DoublePrecision Floating-Point Value |
VGETEXPSH | Convert Exponents of Scalar FP16 Values to FP16 Values |
VGETEXPSS | Convert Exponents of Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Value to SinglePrecision Floating-Point Value |
VGETMANTPD | Extract Float64 Vector of Normalized Mantissas From Float64 Vector |
VGETMANTPH | Extract FP16 Vector of Normalized Mantissas from FP16 Vector |
VGETMANTPS | Extract Float32 Vector of Normalized Mantissas From Float32 Vector |
VGETMANTSD | Extract Float64 of Normalized Mantissa From Float64 Scalar |
VGETMANTSH | Extract FP16 of Normalized Mantissa from FP16 Scalar |
VGETMANTSS | Extract Float32 Vector of Normalized Mantissa From Float32 Scalar |
VINSERTF128 | Insert PackedFloating-Point Values |
VINSERTF32x4 | Insert PackedFloating-Point Values |
VINSERTF32x8 | Insert PackedFloating-Point Values |
VINSERTF64x2 | Insert PackedFloating-Point Values |
VINSERTF64x4 | Insert PackedFloating-Point Values |
VINSERTI128 | Insert PackedInteger Values |
VINSERTI32x4 | Insert PackedInteger Values |
VINSERTI32x8 | Insert PackedInteger Values |
VINSERTI64x2 | Insert PackedInteger Values |
VINSERTI64x4 | Insert PackedInteger Values |
VMASKMOV | Conditional SIMD Packed Loads and Stores |
VMAXPH | Return Maximum of Packed FP16 Values |
VMAXSH | Return Maximum of Scalar FP16 Values |
VMINPH | Return Minimum of Packed FP16 Values |
VMINSH | Return Minimum Scalar FP16 Value |
VMOVDQA32 | Move Aligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVDQA64 | Move Aligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVDQU16 | Move Unaligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVDQU32 | Move Unaligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVDQU64 | Move Unaligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVDQU8 | Move Unaligned Packed Integer Values |
VMOVSH | Move Scalar FP16 Value |
VMOVW | Move Word |
VMULPH | Multiply Packed FP16 Values |
VMULSH | Multiply Scalar FP16 Values |
VP2INTERSECTD | Compute Intersection Between DWORDS/QUADWORDS to aPair of Mask Registers |
VP2INTERSECTQ | Compute Intersection Between DWORDS/QUADWORDS to aPair of Mask Registers |
VPBLENDD | Blend Packed Dwords |
VPBLENDMB | Blend Byte/Word Vectors Using an Opmask Control |
VPBLENDMD | Blend Int32/Int64 Vectors Using an OpMask Control |
VPBLENDMQ | Blend Int32/Int64 Vectors Using an OpMask Control |
VPBLENDMW | Blend Byte/Word Vectors Using an Opmask Control |
VPBROADCAST | Load Integer and Broadcast |
VPBROADCASTB | Load With Broadcast Integer Data From General Purpose Register |
VPBROADCASTD | Load With Broadcast Integer Data From General Purpose Register |
VPBROADCASTM | Broadcast Mask to Vector Register |
VPBROADCASTQ | Load With Broadcast Integer Data From General Purpose Register |
VPBROADCASTW | Load With Broadcast Integer Data From General Purpose Register |
VPCMPB | Compare Packed Byte Values Into Mask |
VPCMPD | Compare Packed Integer Values Into Mask |
VPCMPQ | Compare Packed Integer Values Into Mask |
VPCMPUB | Compare Packed Byte Values Into Mask |
VPCMPUD | Compare Packed Integer Values Into Mask |
VPCMPUQ | Compare Packed Integer Values Into Mask |
VPCMPUW | Compare Packed Word Values Into Mask |
VPCMPW | Compare Packed Word Values Into Mask |
VPCOMPRESSB | Store Sparse Packed Byte/Word Integer Values Into DenseMemory/Register |
VPCOMPRESSD | Store Sparse Packed Doubleword Integer Values Into Dense Memory/Register |
VPCOMPRESSQ | Store Sparse Packed Quadword Integer Values Into Dense Memory/Register |
VPCONFLICTD | Detect Conflicts Within a Vector of Packed Dword/Qword Values Into DenseMemory/ Register |
VPCONFLICTQ | Detect Conflicts Within a Vector of Packed Dword/Qword Values Into DenseMemory/ Register |
VPDPBUSD | Multiply and Add Unsigned and Signed Bytes |
VPDPBUSDS | Multiply and Add Unsigned and Signed Bytes With Saturation |
VPDPWSSD | Multiply and Add Signed Word Integers |
VPDPWSSDS | Multiply and Add Signed Word Integers With Saturation |
VPERM2F128 | Permute Floating-Point Values |
VPERM2I128 | Permute Integer Values |
VPERMB | Permute Packed Bytes Elements |
VPERMD | Permute Packed Doubleword/Word Elements |
VPERMI2B | Full Permute of Bytes From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMI2D | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMI2PD | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMI2PS | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMI2Q | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMI2W | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting the Index |
VPERMILPD | Permute In-Lane of Pairs of Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
VPERMILPS | Permute In-Lane of Quadruples of Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
VPERMPD | Permute Double Precision Floating-Point Elements |
VPERMPS | Permute Single Precision Floating-Point Elements |
VPERMQ | Qwords Element Permutation |
VPERMT2B | Full Permute of Bytes From Two Tables Overwriting a Table |
VPERMT2D | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting One Table |
VPERMT2PD | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting One Table |
VPERMT2PS | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting One Table |
VPERMT2Q | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting One Table |
VPERMT2W | Full Permute From Two Tables Overwriting One Table |
VPERMW | Permute Packed Doubleword/Word Elements |
VPEXPANDB | Expand Byte/Word Values |
VPEXPANDD | Load Sparse Packed Doubleword Integer Values From Dense Memory/Register |
VPEXPANDQ | Load Sparse Packed Quadword Integer Values From Dense Memory/Register |
VPEXPANDW | Expand Byte/Word Values |
VPGATHERDD | Gather Packed Dword Values Using Signed Dword/Qword Indices |
VPGATHERDD (1) | Gather Packed Dword, Packed Qword With Signed Dword Indices |
VPGATHERDQ | Gather Packed Dword, Packed Qword With Signed Dword Indices |
VPGATHERDQ (1) | Gather Packed Qword Values Using Signed Dword/Qword Indices |
VPGATHERQD | Gather Packed Dword Values Using Signed Dword/Qword Indices |
VPGATHERQD (1) | Gather Packed Dword, Packed Qword with Signed Qword Indices |
VPGATHERQQ | Gather Packed Qword Values Using Signed Dword/Qword Indices |
VPGATHERQQ (1) | Gather Packed Dword, Packed Qword with Signed Qword Indices |
VPLZCNTD | Count the Number of Leading Zero Bits for Packed Dword, Packed Qword Values |
VPLZCNTQ | Count the Number of Leading Zero Bits for Packed Dword, Packed Qword Values |
VPMADD52HUQ | Packed Multiply of Unsigned 52-Bit Unsigned Integers and Add High 52-BitProducts to 64-Bit Accumulators |
VPMADD52LUQ | Packed Multiply of Unsigned 52-Bit Integers and Add the Low 52-Bit Productsto Qword Accumulators |
VPMASKMOV | Conditional SIMD Integer Packed Loads and Stores |
VPMOVB2M | Convert a Vector Register to a Mask |
VPMOVD2M | Convert a Vector Register to a Mask |
VPMOVDB | Down Convert DWord to Byte |
VPMOVDW | Down Convert DWord to Word |
VPMOVM2B | Convert a Mask Register to a VectorRegister |
VPMOVM2D | Convert a Mask Register to a VectorRegister |
VPMOVM2Q | Convert a Mask Register to a VectorRegister |
VPMOVM2W | Convert a Mask Register to a VectorRegister |
VPMOVQ2M | Convert a Vector Register to a Mask |
VPMOVQB | Down Convert QWord to Byte |
VPMOVQD | Down Convert QWord to DWord |
VPMOVQW | Down Convert QWord to Word |
VPMOVSDB | Down Convert DWord to Byte |
VPMOVSDW | Down Convert DWord to Word |
VPMOVSQB | Down Convert QWord to Byte |
VPMOVSQD | Down Convert QWord to DWord |
VPMOVSQW | Down Convert QWord to Word |
VPMOVSWB | Down Convert Word to Byte |
VPMOVUSDB | Down Convert DWord to Byte |
VPMOVUSDW | Down Convert DWord to Word |
VPMOVUSQB | Down Convert QWord to Byte |
VPMOVUSQD | Down Convert QWord to DWord |
VPMOVUSQW | Down Convert QWord to Word |
VPMOVUSWB | Down Convert Word to Byte |
VPMOVW2M | Convert a Vector Register to a Mask |
VPMOVWB | Down Convert Word to Byte |
VPMULTISHIFTQB | Select Packed Unaligned Bytes From Quadword Sources |
VPOPCNT | Return the Count of Number of Bits Set to 1 in BYTE/WORD/DWORD/QWORD |
VPROLD | Bit Rotate Left |
VPROLQ | Bit Rotate Left |
VPROLVD | Bit Rotate Left |
VPROLVQ | Bit Rotate Left |
VPRORD | Bit Rotate Right |
VPRORQ | Bit Rotate Right |
VPRORVD | Bit Rotate Right |
VPRORVQ | Bit Rotate Right |
VPSCATTERDD | Scatter Packed Dword, PackedQword with Signed Dword, Signed Qword Indices |
VPSCATTERDQ | Scatter Packed Dword, PackedQword with Signed Dword, Signed Qword Indices |
VPSCATTERQD | Scatter Packed Dword, PackedQword with Signed Dword, Signed Qword Indices |
VPSCATTERQQ | Scatter Packed Dword, PackedQword with Signed Dword, Signed Qword Indices |
VPSHLD | Concatenate and Shift Packed Data Left Logical |
VPSHLDV | Concatenate and Variable Shift Packed Data Left Logical |
VPSHRD | Concatenate and Shift Packed Data Right Logical |
VPSHRDV | Concatenate and Variable Shift Packed Data Right Logical |
VPSHUFBITQMB | Shuffle Bits From Quadword Elements Using Byte Indexes Into Mask |
VPSLLVD | Variable Bit Shift Left Logical |
VPSLLVQ | Variable Bit Shift Left Logical |
VPSLLVW | Variable Bit Shift Left Logical |
VPSRAVD | Variable Bit Shift Right Arithmetic |
VPSRAVQ | Variable Bit Shift Right Arithmetic |
VPSRAVW | Variable Bit Shift Right Arithmetic |
VPSRLVD | Variable Bit Shift Right Logical |
VPSRLVQ | Variable Bit Shift Right Logical |
VPSRLVW | Variable Bit Shift Right Logical |
VPTERNLOGD | Bitwise Ternary Logic |
VPTERNLOGQ | Bitwise Ternary Logic |
VPTESTMB | Logical AND and Set Mask |
VPTESTMD | Logical AND and Set Mask |
VPTESTMQ | Logical AND and Set Mask |
VPTESTMW | Logical AND and Set Mask |
VPTESTNMB | Logical NAND and Set |
VPTESTNMD | Logical NAND and Set |
VPTESTNMQ | Logical NAND and Set |
VPTESTNMW | Logical NAND and Set |
VRANGEPD | Range Restriction Calculation for Packed Pairs of Float64 Values |
VRANGEPS | Range Restriction Calculation for Packed Pairs of Float32 Values |
VRANGESD | Range Restriction Calculation From a Pair of Scalar Float64 Values |
VRANGESS | Range Restriction Calculation From a Pair of Scalar Float32 Values |
VRCP14PD | Compute Approximate Reciprocals of Packed Float64 Values |
VRCP14PS | Compute Approximate Reciprocals of Packed Float32 Values |
VRCP14SD | Compute Approximate Reciprocal of Scalar Float64 Value |
VRCP14SS | Compute Approximate Reciprocal of Scalar Float32 Value |
VRCPPH | Compute Reciprocals of Packed FP16 Values |
VRCPSH | Compute Reciprocal of Scalar FP16 Value |
VREDUCEPD | Perform Reduction Transformation on Packed Float64 Values |
VREDUCEPH | Perform Reduction Transformation on Packed FP16 Values |
VREDUCEPS | Perform Reduction Transformation on Packed Float32 Values |
VREDUCESD | Perform a Reduction Transformation on a Scalar Float64 Value |
VREDUCESH | Perform Reduction Transformation on Scalar FP16 Value |
VREDUCESS | Perform a Reduction Transformation on a Scalar Float32 Value |
VRNDSCALEPD | Round Packed Float64 Values to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRNDSCALEPH | Round Packed FP16 Values to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRNDSCALEPS | Round Packed Float32 Values to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRNDSCALESD | Round Scalar Float64 Value to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRNDSCALESH | Round Scalar FP16 Value to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRNDSCALESS | Round Scalar Float32 Value to Include a Given Number of Fraction Bits |
VRSQRT14PD | Compute Approximate Reciprocals of Square Roots of Packed Float64 Values |
VRSQRT14PS | Compute Approximate Reciprocals of Square Roots of Packed Float32 Values |
VRSQRT14SD | Compute Approximate Reciprocal of Square Root of Scalar Float64 Value |
VRSQRT14SS | Compute Approximate Reciprocal of Square Root of Scalar Float32 Value |
VRSQRTPH | Compute Reciprocals of Square Roots of Packed FP16 Values |
VRSQRTSH | Compute Approximate Reciprocal of Square Root of Scalar FP16 Value |
VSCALEFPD | Scale Packed Float64 Values With Float64 Values |
VSCALEFPH | Scale Packed FP16 Values with FP16 Values |
VSCALEFPS | Scale Packed Float32 Values With Float32 Values |
VSCALEFSD | Scale Scalar Float64 Values With Float64 Values |
VSCALEFSH | Scale Scalar FP16 Values with FP16 Values |
VSCALEFSS | Scale Scalar Float32 Value With Float32 Value |
VSCATTERDPD | Scatter Packed Single, PackedDouble with Signed Dword and Qword Indices |
VSCATTERDPS | Scatter Packed Single, PackedDouble with Signed Dword and Qword Indices |
VSCATTERQPD | Scatter Packed Single, PackedDouble with Signed Dword and Qword Indices |
VSCATTERQPS | Scatter Packed Single, PackedDouble with Signed Dword and Qword Indices |
VSHUFF32x4 | Shuffle Packed Values at 128-BitGranularity |
VSHUFF64x2 | Shuffle Packed Values at 128-BitGranularity |
VSHUFI32x4 | Shuffle Packed Values at 128-BitGranularity |
VSHUFI64x2 | Shuffle Packed Values at 128-BitGranularity |
VSQRTPH | Compute Square Root of Packed FP16 Values |
VSQRTSH | Compute Square Root of Scalar FP16 Value |
VSUBPH | Subtract Packed FP16 Values |
VSUBSH | Subtract Scalar FP16 Value |
VTESTPD | Packed Bit Test |
VTESTPS | Packed Bit Test |
VUCOMISH | Unordered Compare Scalar FP16 Values and Set EFLAGS |
VZEROALL | Zero XMM, YMM, and ZMM Registers |
VZEROUPPER | Zero Upper Bits of YMM and ZMM Registers |
WAIT | Wait |
WBINVD | Write Back and Invalidate Cache |
WBNOINVD | Write Back and Do Not Invalidate Cache |
WRFSBASE | Write FS/GS Segment Base |
WRGSBASE | Write FS/GS Segment Base |
WRMSR | Write to Model Specific Register |
WRPKRU | Write Data to User Page Key Register |
WRSSD | Write to Shadow Stack |
WRSSQ | Write to Shadow Stack |
WRUSSD | Write to User Shadow Stack |
WRUSSQ | Write to User Shadow Stack |
XABORT | Transactional Abort |
XACQUIRE | Hardware Lock Elision Prefix Hints |
XADD | Exchange and Add |
XBEGIN | Transactional Begin |
XCHG | Exchange Register/Memory With Register |
XEND | Transactional End |
XGETBV | Get Value of Extended Control Register |
XLAT | Table Look-up Translation |
XLATB | Table Look-up Translation |
XOR | Logical Exclusive OR |
XORPD | Bitwise Logical XOR of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values |
XORPS | Bitwise Logical XOR of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values |
XRELEASE | Hardware Lock Elision Prefix Hints |
XRESLDTRK | Resume Tracking Load Addresses |
XRSTOR | Restore Processor Extended States |
XRSTORS | Restore Processor Extended States Supervisor |
XSAVE | Save Processor Extended States |
XSAVEC | Save Processor Extended States With Compaction |
XSAVEOPT | Save Processor Extended States Optimized |
XSAVES | Save Processor Extended States Supervisor |
XSETBV | Set Extended Control Register |
XSUSLDTRK | Suspend Tracking Load Addresses |
XTEST | Test if in Transactional Execution |
This UNOFFICIAL, mechanically-separated, non-verified reference is provided for convenience, but it may be inc omp lete or broken in various obvious or non-obvious ways. Refer to Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual for anything serious.