A Study on Consumer Behaviour with Reference to Big Bazaar

Document (4) project - noo

PROJECT REPORT (17MBAPR407) A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR WITH REFERENCE TO BIG BAZAAR BY SUJIT KUMAR PANDEY USN: 1AZ17MBA Submitted to VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELGAVI In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Under the guidance of INTERNAL GUIDE EXTERNAL GUIDE Arundathi KL Mr. Nand Kishor Singh Assistant Professor Store Manager Department of MBA, AIT Big Bazaar Department of MBA Acharya Institute of Technology,Soladevanahalli Hesaragatta Main Road, Bengaluru March 2019

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M~k nP. nd ~ Btaul

SE ctor 3/c Central Avenue

Bokaro Steel City Bokaro- 827003



This is certify that Mr. Sujit Kumar Pandey (U SN :1AZ17MBA48) fr om

Acharya Institute of Technology, MBA student in the year 2017-2019 has done

project work in the Marketing Department at Big Bazaar , Bokaro Jharkhand from

03.01 to 16.02.

He has completed has project work satisfactorily.

Store Manager

DELCLARAT ION I, Sujit Kumar Pande y, here by declare that the Proj ect report entitled "A Stud y on C ons um er Beha viour'' wi th referen ce to "' Bi g Bazaar, Bokaro Jharkhand" pr epar ed by me under the guida nc e of Arundathi KL , fac ulty of M.B Department, Ac harya In st itute of Technolog y and e xt ernal assist ~ce by Nand Kishor Singh, Store Ma n age r , Big Bazaar. I also d ecla re that this proj ect wo rk is towa rds the parti al ful fi llment of the uni ve rsity regu lations fo r t he ;.iwarcl or d eg r ee of Ma st er of Bu siness Administration by Visvesv ara ya Tec hn ologica l Uni ve rsi ty. Belgavi. I hav e under go ne a s umm er proj e ct fo r a pe ri od of 6 wee ks. I fu 1 ih er d ec lare that this proj e ct is b ase d on the original study unde1ia ken by me and not bee n s ubm itted for the award or any d eg re e/diplo ma fro m any other Uni ve rsity /Institution. Place: Bengaluru D ate : 08/04/201 9

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere thanks to our respected Principal, Dr. Prakash M R , beloved Dean